It's no good trying to keep up old friendships. It's painful for both sides. The fact is: one grows out of people and the only thing is to face it.
W. Somerset Maugham - 'Cakes and Ale or The Skeleton in the Cupboard' (1930)
Não vale a pena lutar para manter velhas amizades. É doloroso para ambos os lados. O facto é que as pessoas vão-se afastando e a única solução é aceitar isso.
W. Somerset Maugham - 'Destino de um Homem' (1930)
Photo: My garden pond during summer, lotus flower surrounded by C. auratus, C. facetum, and M. opercularis
3 comentários:
You have a very good blog. It was nice to read it.
Please come to visit my blog at:
Thank you
Is that your garden? Really?
I noticed that you like fishes a lot. It´s interesting!
Yes its my pond, I like aquarium fishes since a child of 5 years! Which means I've been with them for the last 20 years. It's part of me already! :-)
They relax, it's like having a piece of a river at home! :-)
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