30 de novembro de 2023

Life = eternal hope

"While there's life there's hope, and only the dead have none." 

Theocritus, Greek Poet, 3rd Century BC

12 de novembro de 2023


Todas as grandes coisas são simples e muitas podem ser expressas numa única palavra: liberdade, justiça, honra, dever, misericórdia, esperança.
Winston Churchill

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Winston Churchill

Photo: Galeria Vitorio Emanuele, Milano, Nov 08 2023

8 de novembro de 2023


Aqueles que pensam que podemos tornar-nos mais ricos ou mais estáveis como país regateando os custos com a educação dos nossos jovens pertencem maioritariamente à classe mais ignorante dos seres humanos.
Winston Churchill

Those who think we can become richer or more stable as a country by haggling over the costs of educating our young people mostly belong to the most ignorant class of human beings.
Winston Churchill

Photo: sunset at Menorca island, Nov 06 2023

26 de março de 2023

Go for the great


Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

John D. Rockefeller

Não tenha receio de desistir do bom para ir atrás do grandioso.

John D. Rockefeller

Photo: The Sun, by Andrew McCarthy 
@AJamesMcCarthy (https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy)

16 de janeiro de 2023

Wolf until opposite proof


You should never trust a Wolf in sheep’s clothing. Because the only thing the Wolf will ever want to do is to break you.

Rachel E. Carter - First Year (The Black Mage, #1)

Photo: ‘Amphiprion ocellaris‘ (clown-fish) in symbiosis with ‘Entacmaea quadricolor’ (bubble-tip anemone) - photo taken in my nano reef aquarium, Dec/2022.